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Issues Towards Comprehensible Computer Vision

发布时间:2020-10-27    点击量:




Issues Towards Comprehensible Computer Vision

In the past decades, computer vision has become the hottest area in artificial intelligence due to it reaches similar or even better results in some typical tasks, such as objects recognition, than human being. However, computer vision is still a far from the goal of automatic understanding scene. To understand scene means the machine should not only know what about an object’s categorization, but also why / how / … / about an object and also their relationship in real world.

In this talk, I will briefly review the history of computer vision, and discuss its tendencies. Some key issues are listed as open problems for next decades. Understandable / explainable will be a crucial feature for open world vision system. Meanwhile, mobility, non-uniform imaging, exploration are all key problems for understandable / explainable computer vision. I will share my points on these relevant problems in this talk. Finally, I will also report some of our preliminary works on these topics.






Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

陈熙霖博士,ACM / CCF / IAPR / IEEE Fellow,中科院计算技术研究所研究员。其主要研究领域为计算机视觉、模式识别、多媒体技术以及多模式人机接口。曾主持国家自然科学基金重大、重点项目、973计划课题、863计划项目等的研究,曾任IEEE Trans. on Image ProcessingIEEE Trans. on Multimedia AE,目前担任Journal of Visual Communication and Image RepresentationSenior AE、计算机学报和模式识别与人工智能的副主编。担任过FG2013 / 2018ChinaMM 2018 / 2019PRCV 2019 / 2020大会主席,并多次担任CVPRICCV等的领域主席。陈熙霖博士在国内外重要刊物和会议上发表论文300多篇,先后获得国家自然科学二等奖一项,国家科技进步二等奖四项。